mercoledì 7 settembre 2011

God Almight

The Fables of the guardian angel.

A seraph among the Israelites.

God, sad for the behavior of the Israelites, once people decided to send a Serafino among Jews.

The shining Seraph who praises God in chorus, with a blink of ali went in the United States and wealthy Jews came to peer into their hearts.

Saw their hearts heavy as stones and their souls smoked like the pitch, ...: While, sad, under human remains the most high God praying walked, meeting a Cherub: "I know why your shining face is so melancholy, ...Please come and praise God.

Later they sat at a huge Cedar of Lebanon and began to remember with the passion and death of the son of God: Jesus.

In their hearts and their minds were fast the same thoughts, since both connected to God: "In Gethsemane Jesus said" my soul is sad until his death, was his great distress, not because he feared death, but he knew that the Israelites, chosen people, would have killed him, denying the father.

The Israelite high priest Caiaphas questioned Jesus at night, like a thief, dangerous, and the next morning issued the sentence in front of the other Jewish priests. They knew they were lying, God suffered and was close in spirit to his beloved son.

For crocifiggerlo, Jews had the false against Jesus.

The Jewish people began yelling at Pilate (Roman Procurator): "crucify him, crucify him!"

For mocking of the son of God the Jews drove ahead a helmet of thorns, these were very long and were scattered in the backyard, to light the fire,

The Jews with such force to the helmet of thorns on the head of the divine son that stuck in his brain, causing unimaginable suffering.

He said the Cherub: "Oh God, how much suffering endured and undergoes your beloved son because of the Jews, who even today deny him continuously.

Mary s.:, his mother, witnessed the crucifixion of the son, God and Man at those nails hammered was similar to a sword slaying his heart.

Slow and sad voice the seraph, ...: "the Jews, even today, especially the Group Bildenberg bankers continue to crucify Jesus."

The seraph, at that time taking the form of Angel, appeared in all its splendor and with a mighty voice exclaimed: "God loves the lowly, the oppressed, exiles and consecrated to God the Almighty: Pahlavi Savoy Garro, was and is oppressed and" crucified "by the powerful Jewish families.

Now God the father sent an Holy Angel from a good lady named Margaret, it is Belgian and his father has the name of the person who was electrocuted on the road to Damascus.This lady and his brothers will be entrusted with the task of convincing the Jewish bankers to pay money belonging to the consecrated for he alive, in prayer. Later God with his holy protection will send the Consecrated, the forerunner of his son in Iran.

Saints Angels sang praises to God and their wings took upwards of heaven.

Pahlavi Savoy Garro

Consecrated to God the Almighty.